Nukus is the sixth-largest city in Uzbekistan and the capital of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The population of Nukus as of January 1, 2018 was approximately 312,100. The Amu Darya river passes west of the town.
The city is best known for its world-class Nukus Museum of Art.Nukus, Uzbekistan     Exploring Tashkent, Nukus, Khiva, Bukhara, and Samarkand
The name Nukus comes from the old tribal name of the Karakalpaks, Nukus.Nukus developed from a small settlement in 1932 into a large, modern soviet city with broad avenues and big public buildings by the 1950s.
The city's isolation made it host to the Red Army's Chemical Research Institute, a major research and testing center for chemical weapons. In 2002 the United States Department of Defense dismantled the Chemical Research Institute, the major research and testing site for the Novichok agent, under a $6 million Cooperative Threat Reduction program.
1. The Karakalpakstan State Museum of Art named after I.V. Savitsky
2. Mizdakhan Necropolis
3. Muynak - "Ship Cemetery" Tour from Nukus
And there are more just click here to know more places :→→→→→→→→→→→↓

Nukus, city, southwestern Uzbekistan, capital of the Qoragalpoghiston republic. It lies near the head of the Amu Darya (river) delta. The tiny Nukus settlement, which lay amid the desert sands, was established as a city in 1932 and in 1939 replaced Trutkul (which was being eroded by the Amu Darya) as capital of the Kara-Kalpak A.S.S.R. (now Qoragalpoghiston). The present city has a number of food-processing and other light industries, the Qoragalpoghiston branch of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Nukus State University (1979), a museum, and a theatre. Pop. (2007 est.) 240,734.
Karakalpak is spoken in nukus and the food eaten by them is okroshka, borscht, cutlets, as well as European dishes, cooked “in Uzbek style” due to use of oriental spices, local vegetables and etc.


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