Hello, as you all know that this is our 60th post so we are writing this post  . Also thanks to give  your support by giving the views and etc. When we started this website we were not knowing that it will go so far. The first post of this website was Tarkali which we started on  25 june .And now we  have the target of 100 posts. 

Now we will tell you our topics of all posts :                                     

My Blogging Journey

    1. Tarkali
    2. Panhala 
    3. Kolad 
    4. lonar Lake and more 
    like that now we are on 60th posts and as you gave us support first like that only give us support  now also.

    And now as there is a COVID-19 in whole world so we know that bored in home so we think that we will share our happiness and the celebration here by writing this post .
      Thanks to read this posts. 


    1. You are celebrating too early. Try to complete 100 posts or so and then put your blogging journey.


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